

Quick Thoughts: I Have No Clever Title

After all of the controversy surrounding noted scientologist Isaac Hayes quitting South Park after South Park made fun of scientology in their episode "Trapped in the Closet" , last nights episode ("Chef Becomes a Pedophile")was absolutely unbelievable. Just outstanding. Even though the events surrounding Hayes' leaving of South Park while he was still recovering from a stroke remain cloudy, it was another great shot across the bow of scientology.

Remind me to never ever ever piss of Trey Parker or Matt Stone. Fabulous episode.
Just a reminder (in case you needed it) tonight starts the best weekend of basketball the calendar year will see.

As much as I love the first weekend of the NCAA tourney, the Sweet 16/Elite 8 weekend is much, much better. The quality of play is up, as is the drama (see this time last year, Illinois v. Arizona for more proof)

Get ready.
Because you needed one more article about Bradley to read this week, I wrote this one for The Phat Phree.

Hopefully, you enjoy and give it some kind marks. If that's your thing.
In addition to that article, I have also been working on the previously mentioned work on Deadspin, plus an NL Central preview for the 'Phree. I realize that this here blog has suffered on content over the last week or so, and that is why.

Also, I'm really fucking lazy.

So suck it.
More tomorrow, maybe.

Go Braves.

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"I'll be dead in the cold, cold ground before I recognize the state of Missouri."